(11/14/2023) Ongoing road and right-of-way improvements

Have you noticed the roadwork going on in the Village? Well … the welcomed news is that traffic calming and pedestrian safety improvements are being implemented at the following intersections:

  1. The intersection of Elizabeth and Croton will soon include a crosswalk (crossing Croton Ave.) and an improved ADA ramp crossing Elizabeth Street.
  2. The intersection of Linden Ave. and Croton Ave. will also include two new crosswalks (crossing Croton Ave.) to improve the safety in crossings Linden Ave.
  3. The intersection of Narragansett Ave. at the entrance and Veterans Memorial Park will include an added ADA crosswalk (crossing Narragansett Ave.) as well as an ADA sidewalk approximately 100 feet into the park area.
  4. We will also be adding two additional stop signs on Clinton Ave., which will make the intersection of upper Linden Ave and Clinton Ave a 4-way stop intersection. 

There will be appropriate signage alerting drivers to the crosswalks and stop signs – which are currently being installed.