An Ossining Family receives a Brush with Kindness Thanks to Habitat for Humanity


                                                                                          Linda Abels, Village Manager




An Ossining Family receives a 
Brush with Kindness Thanks to Habitat for Humanity



(December 11, 2006)          The Village of Ossining and Habitat for Humanity of Westchester are pleased to announce that Habitat for Humanity has taken on a new project in the Village of Ossining.  This project involves working with an Ossining family to make necessary repairs to their home so that it may remain habitable.  


When Village Trustee Marlene Cheatham was contacted by a resident who explained the situation she immediately began to reach out for assistance.  Jim Killoran, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Westchester responded immediately with volunteers and materials to help this family in need.  Trustee Sue Donnelly reached out to her friends and associates seeking volunteers and donations “This is a very worthwhile project that will make a huge difference in a neighbor’s life,” Trustee Sue Donnelly commented.


Work at the home has already begun and we offer special thanks to our volunteers who braved the cold over the weekend and also to Bruce Fiorito who provided a dumpster for the project.  Additional donations for this project are needed.  “This is an opportunity to help out at a local level;” Trustee Cheatham said “helping a neighbor in need in your own community is a wonderful way to spread the holiday spirit.”


Anyone wishing to donate time, money or materials to this project should contact Christina Papes of the Village of Ossining at (914) 941-3554 or Jim Killoran of Habitat for Humanity of Westchester at (914) 636-8335.