117 Ossining Homes Are Energized!


117 Ossining Homes Are Energized! 

Ossining Town Supervisor Susanne Donnelly, Ossining Village Mayor Victoria Gearity, Town Board Members and Green Ossining recognized 26 Ossining residents for making their homes more energy efficient and reducing energy waste. 

The Town of Ossining, Village of Ossining and its residents have acted to reduce energy usage through the not-for-profit, Energize NY program - which assists homeowners through NYSERDA's Home Performance with Energy Star Program. These homeowners have addressed issues like, insufficient insulation, poor air sealing and outdated heating and cooling equipment with the help of this New York State program. 

Collectively, the 117 Ossining homeowners are annually saving $198,900. These numbers demonstrate that the upgrade process works and that individual action has a direct and obvious impact. 

Will you be saving money on your energy bills and enjoying a cozy winter like your Energized neighbors? Sign up today for a free home energy assessment by visiting here or call 914-302-7300.