Local Legislation 2014

Local Law No. 1-2014  Vehicles and Traffic Law Revision
A LOCAL LAW amending Chapter 250 of the Village Code of the Village of Ossining entitled “Vehicles and Traffic”.

Local Law No. 2-2014  Bee Keeping
A LOCAL LAW amending Chapter 75 of the Village Code of the Village of Ossining entitled “Animals” to provide for an annual registration requirement of all apiaries (beehives) within the boundaries of the Village of Ossining.

Local Law No.. 3-2014 Vehicles and Traffic Law Revision
A LOCAL LAW amending Chapter 250 of the Village Code of the Village of Ossining entitled “Vehicles and Traffic”. 

Local Law No.. 4-2014 Zoning Code Amendments
A LOCAL LAW amending Chapter 270 “Zoning” of the Village Code of the Village of Ossining to eliminate the mandatory ten percent requirement for inclusion of three-bedroom units in the bedroom mix for residential projects in the CDD, PW-a, PW-b, PW-c and IR zoning districts, thus making the inclusion of three-bedroom units discretionary.

Local Law No.. 5-2014 “Amendment to Chapter 68 ‘Alcoholic Beverages"
A LOCAL LAW amending Chapter 68 “Alcoholic Beverages” to clarify the definition of the prohibited activity.