Local Legislation 2018

LOCAL LAW NO. 1-2018 (Adopted)
A LOCAL LAW amending Chapter 270 “Zoning” of the Village Code of the Village of Ossining to clarify and refine definitions of certain types of uses in the Civic and Institutional Use Groups. 

LOCAL LAW 2-2018 (Adopted)
A Local Law amending Chapter 241, Article IV (Taxation, Cold War Veterans Exemption) section 241-23 (Duration) of the Village of Ossining Code.

LOCAL LAW 3-2018 (Adopted)
A Local Law amending Chapter 100 (Cabaret) of the Village of Ossining Code.

LOCAL LAW 4-2018 (Adopted)
A Local Law amending Chapter 186 (Parades) of the Village of Ossining Code.

LOCAL LAW 5-2018 (Adopted)
A Local Law amending Chapter 162 (Housing/Property Maintenance and Building Code Administration) of the Village of Ossining Code.

LOCAL LAW 6-2018 (Adopted)
A Local Law amending Chapter 75 (Animals) of the Village of Ossining Code.

LOCAL LAW 7-2018 (Adopted)
A Local Law amending Chapter 17 (Ethics, Code of) of the Village of Ossining Code.

LOCAL LAW 8-2018 (Adopted)
A Local Law amending Chapter 178 (Noise) of the Village of Ossining Code.

LOCAL LAW 9-2018 (Adopted)
A Local Law amending Chapter 241 (Taxation) of the Village of Ossining Code.