April 12, 2022
Project MOVER: Virtual Community Meeting
In January of this year, the Village of Ossining and its project lead, EIT InnoEnergy, were selected for a Phase One grant through the New York Clean Transportation Prizes program administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). As one of 17 projects announced through Phase One of the competition, Project MOVER is eligible to compete for up to $85 million in grand prizes under Phase Two. The Phase Two effort will advance plans to bring innovative clean transportation solutions to reduce air pollution and advance electrification and mobility to New York State’s underserved communities.

On Monday, April 11, the Village held our first Virtual Community Meeting led by transportation planning experts from Nelson\Nygaard.

At this session, we discussed the goals of the project: Project MOVER intends to put electric bikes in reach of every Ossining resident and visitor, providing a viable mobility option that will benefit people who don’t wish to drive, don’t find it economical to drive, or need a quick and fun way to get around the Village. In addition, underserved community members and low-income people in Ossining identify a lack of access to direct and frequent transit as a key hindrance to accessing services and economic opportunities. For many, the Village’s topography further amplifies the already challenging prospect of accessing services, opportunities, and transit without a car. We also discussed program features and opportunities to get involved.

We are excited to announce that Project Mover will be at this year’s Ossining Earth Day festival at the Village of Ossining’s booth. Here, the community will have the opportunity to view the ACTON bikes and take a survey regarding the locations of docking stations, safety, and access. This is a great way to share your thoughts on this emerging technology and see first-hand how it works.